Create workflows your way,
get more out of your day
Open a matter in less
than 1 minute
Free your mind with
bespoke and automated Tasks
What do you get?
Everything you need in one platform
Data Input & Integrations
Remove the clutter and organise your matters with customisable data forms tailored to single or multiple matter types. Integrations with Land Registry, Companies House, Google Maps, HMRC and Xero.
The simplest workflow builder for effective automation. Create your own workflows for specific or multiple matter types with triggers to power your automations.
Lets simplify your day with tasks. The easiest task system to create, edit and assign tasks. Prioritise tasks by date, priority and type. A central place to organise your day.
Organise all correspondence with customisable folders. Pre-determine folder structures for single or multiple matter types. Simple drag and drop options for documents and e-mails. View matter correspondence with one-click filters for call notes,
e-mails and file notes.
Our Price Promise
At Yao, we prioristise trust and transparency, knowing how vital they are to law firms when choosing their suppliers.
That’s why we’re committed to offering clear, fair, and predictable pricing:
✅ Fixed Pricing for up to 5 years
Enjoy fixed terms for up to five years, including early adopter rates, with the option to exit after three years;
✅ Capped Price Increases
Any future price adjustments will be capped at the lower of CPI or 5% annually, ensuring affordability:
✅ Fair Pricing for Existing Clients
We guarantee that existing clients will never pay more than the current list price when adding new users:
✅ Supportive Data Transition
If you decide to leave, we provide up to three free and complete data extractions to ensure a smooth transition.
Our promise is simple: we’re here to build long-term partnerships rooted in trust, not just transactions.
User Licence Pricing